A Step-by-Step Guide to Locating a Life Insurance Policy

The passing of a loved one is a difficult time, filled with emotional challenges and logistical tasks. One such task might involve locating your loved one’s life insurance policy. This document is essential for filing a claim and receiving the policy’s benefits. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you locate a life insurance policy.

Step 1: Gather Personal Information

Begin by collecting the personal information of the deceased. This includes full legal name, Social Security number, date of birth, and last known address. This information is crucial as it helps identify policies and aids in contact with insurance companies.

Step 2: Look Through Personal Documents

Check through the deceased’s personal documents. These might include a home safe, file cabinet, or desk drawer. Look specifically for any papers from insurance companies, including premium payment receipts or policy update notices.

Step 3: Check Bank Statements

Review the deceased’s bank statements for recurring payments to an insurance company. These transactions can help identify the insurance provider and the policy number.

Step 4: Contact Employers and Organizations

Reach out to any employers or organizations the deceased was associated with. Life insurance policies can often be purchased through workplaces or professional or social groups.

Step 5: Hire a Policy Locator Service

If the above steps prove unsuccessful, consider hiring a policy locator service. These services typically charge fees and use extensive databases to track life insurance policies.

Step 6: Contact State Insurance Departments

Every state has an insurance department that can aid in the search for a lost policy. Reach out to the insurance department in the state where the policy was likely purchased.


Locating a life insurance policy can seem daunting, especially while grieving. It’s important to remember that resources and professionals are available to help.

At Plans for Life, we are dedicated to supporting you through these challenging times. Whether you need assistance locating a life insurance policy or have any questions about life insurance, our team is ready to provide guidance.

Feel free to call us at 915-591-1957, visit our website at www.plans4life.com, or drop by our office at 806 Ange St., El Paso, TX, 79902.

We’re here to help every step of the way.

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